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EFPTA Conference - Copenhagen, 20-21 April 2012 - this event has now taken place. Reports can be found in the 2012 edition of the EFPTA Newsletter.

Conference theme: The Psychology of Evil – its place in the classroom

The conference has now taken place, and feedback from participants has been very positive. 48 delegates attended, from 10 countries, and the conference venue was an adult education college in a beautiful historic building in Copenhagen. Full reports and presentations will be available soon - so watch this space!  

Programme highlights:

  • Keynote speakers Dr Robin May Schott (Denmark) and Dr Kristján Guðmundsson (Iceland) spoke on the latest ideas and research on the theme of ‘the Psychology of Evil’.
  • Workshops further explored the theme, in a forum where delegates discussed issues relevant to the teaching of ‘evil’-related topics in the psychology classroom.
  • Workshops on Learning and Teaching in Psychology gave delegates opportunities to share good practice with colleagues from across Europe.
  • There were workshops on collaborative projects for teachers and students across national boundaries – even if you were not there you can still get involved!
  • A round-table session addressed issues affecting the school psychology curriculum in Europe – what its aims should be, what should it contain, how should it be designed and by whom....
  • A live psychology demonstration class was given by a Danish teacher and her students followed by an informal question and answer session amongst students and delegates.