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Transatlantic links: EFPTA and APA-TOPSS

Psychology education has thrived in USA high schools since the 1970s. Many psychology teachers in American schools are members of Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools (TOPSS), which is a membership group within the American Psychological Association (APA).

In May 2014, EFPTA Secretary Udo Kittler was interviewed by Maria Vita of TOPSS, for the May 2014 edition of the newsletter of the American Psychology Teacher Network (PTN). Udo explained the origins and aims of EFPTA, and the concerns of psychology teachers in Europe. Read the full interview here; the link will take you to the whole PTN newsletter edition (you may find the other articles, and other editions, interesting too!).

In return, the 2014 EFPTA Newsletter carried an article about APA-TOPSS and high school psychology in the USA; take a look now if you haven’t read it yet - find it here. It’s clear that on both sides of the Atlantic we psychology teachers share similar interests and challenges!

For more information about TOPSS and psychology teaching in the USA:

Contact: Michael McLane, TOPSS Chair

Send email to Michael McLane, TOPSS Chair