Events and Meetings

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EFPTA holds a major conference every two years in different European cities, normally in the spring, with a full-scale programme of presentations and workshops by teachers, students and researchers. EFPTA Board meetings are held twice yearly in Brussels, normally in spring and autumn. All members of EFPTA member associations, as well as individual members, are eligible and encouraged to attend all meetings and events.


ICP 2024, Prague - EFPTA plays its part in the international community of psychology educators!

The 33rd International Congress of Psychology (ICP) took place in the beautiful city of Prague on 21-26 July, hosted by the
Czech-Moravian Psychological Society and the International Union of
Psychological Science. The theme of ICP 2024 was “Psychology for the
Future: Together in Hope". 

The community of psychology educators promoting and supporting psychology teaching is truly international! Lenka Sokolová, former EFPTA President, gave a presentation on “Mapping Unknown Territories: EFPTA initiatives in the pre-tertiary teaching of psychology in Europe”, as part of an invited symposium “Psychology Learning and Teaching at the Cross Roads”, hosted by the European Society for Psychology Learning and Teaching (ESPLAT, www.esplat.org). In another symposium, this time hosted by the Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) of EFPA (www.efpa.eu), Lenka contributed a presentation on “Mental health literacy and mental health education for young people” (find both presentations at the links below).  

Colleagues who are teaching, researching and collaborating in psychology education came from many European countries, and beyond.

Photo, left to right:Susan Nolan (US), Mirjana Beara Benjak (Serbia), Ioulia Papageorgi (Cyprus), Lenka Sokolová (Slovakia), KateÅ™ina Machovcová (Czechia), Iva Stuchlíková (Czechia). 

More information: ICP 2024 website 


Documents and Resources

Mapping Unknown Territories: EFPTA initiatives in the pre-tertiary teaching of psychology in Europe

Mental health literacy and mental health education for young people

EFPTA 2024 Helsinki 20th Anniversary - what a great Conference!

A huge thank you to
everyone who joined us in Helsinki for our 20th Anniversary Conference! 

The conference theme was "The Age of Psychology: Teaching Psychology in the Modern World" -  our keynotes Prof Markus Jokela of the University of Helsinki, and Dr Karen Marangio of Monash University, Australia, delivered fascinating lectures on this theme.

It was our first in-person event since 2018 (when the Conference was held in Reykjavik). In fact Helsinki is the place where EFPTA was founded in 2004, so it was very fitting that we were there again to celebrate our 20th birthday.   

The Finnish psychology teachers' associationPsykologianopettajat (PSOP), and Eira High School for Adults were wonderful hosts. We were delighted to welcome participants of 17 different nationalities - a record for an EFPTA conference! In celebration of the 20th Anniversary, several Past Presidents delivered greetings either in person or on video, and Joe Cocker, EFPTA 'founding father', gave a speech congratulating the Federation on its achievements. A message was delivered from Tuomo Tikkanen, Past President of Psykologiliitto, the Finnish psychologists' association, who had encouraged the founding of EFPTA. We were pleased to welcome current Psykologiliitto President Dr Jari Lipsanen, who gave an address too.

As well as keynotes, we had a full programme of workshops, updates on psychology education in European countries, and networking sessions. And very sociable evenings dining together! The link below will take you to the full Conference Programme.

You will find most of the conference presentations here. 

EFPTA is grateful for the support of PSOP RY, Psykologiliitto and Eira High School for Adults in the organisation of the Helsinki 2024 Conference.

Documents and Resources

Full Conference Programme

Presentations now available! From our webinar on 18 March 2023 - Climate change & sustainability in psychology education.

Thank you to everyone who took part in our spring webinar on Saturday 18 March! The theme of climate change and sustainability in psychology education was very popular with about 50 participants from many countries in Europe and beyond. Unfortunately our keynote speaker Dr Dan O'Hare had to cancel, however EFPTA Board members stepped in to provide a summary of Dr O'Hare's recent paper.

Cick on the links below for the workshop presentations. 

In the breakout sessions participants said they found the workshops interesting and useful, and also shared their views and info about how they address environmental issues and sustainability in their own schools. Concern about the effects of the climate crisis on the wellbeing of young people, and the need to prepare them for future challenges, will continue. Also a number of important fundamental questions arose about the role of psychology education in addressing the climate crisis, so we plan to follow up this theme in future EFPTA events - watch this space!

Psychology and climate change is a theme currently prioritised by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), to which EFPTA is affiliated.

Documents and Resources

Webinar Programme

Workshop: Whole-school approaches to sustainability

EFPTA 2021 Conference took place online 15-17 April

Thanks go to everyone who took part in the EFPTA 2021 online conference and made it such a success!


Our 2021 Conference was fully online. It was originally planned for 2020, in Bratislava, but was postponed to 2021 and we moved it online because of the pandemic (but one day we hope to meet in Bratislava in person!) 

Some presentations will be available here soon. 


Read the President's Report of the Conference.  

The full Programme is still available here

Documents and Resources

EFPTA 15-17 April 2021 poster

EFPTA 2021 Full Programme

EFPTA 2018 Conference in Reykjavik, 13-14 April! This Conference has now taken place...

Thank you to everyone who participated - keynote speakers, workshop presenters, and all delegates! Psychology teachers and others interested in psychology education at pre-university / high school level, from 14 countries, gathered to discuss and share information, expertise and ideas on teaching psychology to young people. 

The theme was 'Psychology for everyone - the value of psychology education for young people' and the event was hosted by the Icelandic psychology teachers’ association - Samtöksálfræðioguppeldisfræðikennara. One of the highlights of the Conference was an excellent presentation by Icelandic high school students. 

If you missed this EFPTA Conference, make sure you don't miss the next one - watch this space for news of EFPTA 2020!

Conference presentations 

Documents and Resources

Conference Programme

Conference poster /flyer to download / print

10th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE REPORT: Sowing the seeds of psychological literacy - a conference for psychology teachers in Europe. Berlin, 11-13 April 2014.

The 10th Anniversary Conference has now taken place! Conference presentations will soon be available here, but meanwhile here are some of the highlights of this action-packed event at the beautiful WannseeForum: Keynote speaker Franziska Moser of Berlin’s Freie Universität explained her research findings on the impact of gendered language; Chair of the German Psychology Teachers’ Association, Michael Bürger used delegates as participants in a live experimental demonstration of the ‘shared information effect’ in group decision-making; teams of delegates worked ‘hands on’ in a series of problem-solving and creativity tasks in a ‘carousel’ workshop of learning activities. Over an intensive two days, psychology teachers, teacher educators and students from nine European countries presented or took part in a variety of interactive workshops focussing on teaching and learning in psychology, ranging from ‘Twinning psychology classes’ to ‘Ecopsychology in the classroom’. Many delegates and presenters were students: a team of high school psychology students from Hamburg delighted delegates with a talk about their innovative collaboration with undergraduate students at their local university. A second group of students, this time from Dessau, gave a charming video presentation of their social-psychological research. Student teachers from Slovakia took part in the event too; in fact, students made a major contribution to this EFPTA event overall. Aside from the formal programme, delegates browsed the display of posters and textbooks; the newest qualified psychology teacher, from Dortmund, was congratulated by the EFPTA President; and on Friday 11th April EFPTA’s 10th anniversary was celebrated in style with a magnificent birthday cake and glasses of bubbly. Click on the link below to see the anniversary slideshow of photos of EFPTA events 2004-2014. The EFPTA Board is very grateful to the helpful staff at WannseeForum, and all those who supported the event, especially Uniview Worldwide and Classroom Video.

Conference presentations can be found by clicking the links below. Also, most conference contributors are willing to share their presentations / materials if you contact them directly, even if these are not posted here on the website (see link to presenters' contact details).


Documents and Resources

Download the poster

Download the full programme including abstracts and biographies

EFPTA 10th Anniversary slide show

EFPTA Conference - Copenhagen, 20-21 April 2012 - this event has now taken place. Reports can be found in the 2012 edition of the EFPTA Newsletter.

Conference theme: The Psychology of Evil – its place in the classroom

The conference has now taken place, and feedback from participants has been very positive. 48 delegates attended, from 10 countries, and the conference venue was an adult education college in a beautiful historic building in Copenhagen. Full reports and presentations will be available soon - so watch this space!  

Programme highlights:

  • Keynote speakers Dr Robin May Schott (Denmark) and Dr Kristján Guðmundsson (Iceland) spoke on the latest ideas and research on the theme of ‘the Psychology of Evil’.
  • Workshops further explored the theme, in a forum where delegates discussed issues relevant to the teaching of ‘evil’-related topics in the psychology classroom.
  • Workshops on Learning and Teaching in Psychology gave delegates opportunities to share good practice with colleagues from across Europe.
  • There were workshops on collaborative projects for teachers and students across national boundaries – even if you were not there you can still get involved!
  • A round-table session addressed issues affecting the school psychology curriculum in Europe – what its aims should be, what should it contain, how should it be designed and by whom....
  • A live psychology demonstration class was given by a Danish teacher and her students followed by an informal question and answer session amongst students and delegates.