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EFPTA webinar 19 February 2022: thanks for taking part!
On 19 February we held a webinar with the theme: Mental health at school: what is the role of psychology teachers?
Around 50 people took part - psychology teachers, university academics, mental health professionals - from c.16 European countries, and presenters from five countries talked about their approaches to mental health education for young people. It was very interesting, and inspiring, to learn about these different perspectives, with a clear focus on practical strategies for supporting young people through these very challenging times.
Sadly, the global covid-19 pandemic since early 2020 has led to an increase in mental health problems especially among young people. This webinar forms part of a project by EFPTA and the EFPA Board of Educational Affairs on mental health education in secondary schools in Europe, including the role of psychology teachers in supporting students' mental health.
Mental health in Europe is a theme currently prioritised by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), to which EFPTA is affiliated.
Presentations are available here.
Saturday 19 February 2022, 10.00-12.00 (CET). This event has now ended.
Click the link below for full programme information.
Documents and Resources
Webinar flyer /poster - full programme