Teaching of psychology in Slovakia
In Slovak secondary schools the basics of psychology are taught as a part of another subject. Each student from 15 to 19 should get a brief survey of the discipline of psychology, which involves only 16 hours of teaching included in the compulsory subject Social Studies - "Náuka o spoloènosti" (this subject covers sociology, psychology, economics, law, and philosophy). Some schools offer psychology as an optional subject. General upper-secondary schools (grammar schools) can offer a psychology course - "Seminár zo psychológie" – which is a one or two year course with the possibility of taking a final exam in psychology, similar to A level; unfortunately this is available only in some secondary schools. As a result of a law passed in 2008 there is a new compulsory personal development subject in schools: “Social-psychological training”. The curriculum for psychology subjects is prescribed by the Ministry for Education. In vocational upper-secondary schools psychology is taught as a compulsory subject in selected study programmes (pedagogical and social academies and medical schools). Business academies and other vocational schools usually teach psychology only as an optional subject.
MA in education studies (teacher training) for psychology teachers. The study programme is available at three universities. Slovak Association for the Teaching of Psychology The psychology teachers' association was launched in 2013 - see the association's launch statement here. Its first major event, an international conference with the theme 'Psychology at School', is due to take place on 14-15 November 2013. It is planned in co-operation with the Comenius University, and is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the start of teacher training for psychology teachers in the country. More details can be found here. See also the Association Newsletter. There is also a professional association of psychologists, the Slovak Psychological Society. Document Downloads
Documents Useful Websites Ministry of Educationhttp://www.minedu.sk/index.php?lang=en The Slovak Psychological Society http://www.slovenskapsychologickaspolocnost.sk